Supplier/Small Business Owner Interview – Danielle Marschall – Captive Design Blanks — Owner
Supplier/Small Business Owner Interview – Danielle Marschall – Captive Design Blanks
glitter Owner Small Business Supplier

Tell us about your small business, what type of products do you offer? What is your must have item? I opened Captive Designs Customs in July of 2020. Really enjoying the sublimation things but started to not really enjoy quality that I was getting. So started my own designing and branding for plush (elephants & bunnies) and we have Captive Designs worldwide: Australia, UK, USA and of course, Canada 😊. We started that brand at the beginning of 2021 and expanded in 2022 and started our wholesale business for Captive Designs Blanks for sublimation. We just recently just opened our...