Small Business Owner Interview – Daniella Boudreau - Sparkle & Shine Resin

glitter mica resin

How did you get started in resin art, and what inspired you to pursue this craft?

During Covid-19, I moved back home to St.Catharines, ON from New Brunswick. Due to Covid-19, it was very difficult to find a full time or part time job that was suitable for me. My Mental Health was not great at the time, and I wanted to do something that I enjoyed doing for myself. While at home, I was scrolling through TikTok, and this is where I found out about Resin Art. I was so intrigued with how you can custom make your own items & I wanted to try it!

Can you walk me through your creative process when designing and crafting pieces?

Often times when I’m creating my resin items, I’m inspired by others art online.  Weather it is painting, drawing, clay etc.. I imagine my own pieces but in resin art form.  I love to add my style and what I love most, glitter.  Typically, all my products have some type of glitter in it. The process when creating with resin is always a surprise.  Not one piece ever looks the same.

What types of materials and tools do you find essential for creating high-quality projects?

The best materials and tools to use when working with resin are the following:

Best Quality Molds

PPE Equipment for your safety & Health

Plastic or Silicone Cups


Dried Flowers

Deburring Tool

OF course, GLITTER!

Do you have a tip you want to share?

As business, staying consistent, posting everyday on social media is a must. Social media shares your art to the entire world. I find a lot of my customers are from the USA.

What is your favourite CGC glitter or product?

There is so much glitter/products to choose from CGC Glitter.  However, If I had to pick my top glitters at the moment, it would be, Aubree, Serah, Alyssa and Kaylee.